Student Skill-Builder Guide

(Curating You, Building Your Networking and more!)

Empower your with Student with HR soft-skills and technical skill assessments, personal branding knowledge, networking know-how, and aceing the interview!

(Interview Prompts, free job resources and guides!)

Equipping Students w/

Next Level Guidance

Years of classroom work and resources now available for you and your student. Empowering young adults with working know-how on soft-skills, personal branding, networking and interviewing. They will stand out amongst and lead their peers!



Does Your Student have an understanding of what their SOFT-SKILLS Are and how these translate to careers?



What does my Personal Brand look like and why it matters online and in career opportunities?



Core Values and Interviewing: How it all works together for career advancement and landing a dream job!



Understanding the value of a network, how to build and maintain yours! This will get you the job!

The 'Student Skills-Builder' helps students

  • Knows their CORE Values

  • Can easily identify their strengths and weaknesses

  • Understands the value of their growth mindset!

  • Easily navigate networking

  • Interview prompts to answer the tough questions

Get the Student Skill-Builder

Students will have the chance to answer "What success looks like to me?"

Personal Exploration with thought provoking questions, all related to the student.

Career and work skills broken into easy to understand HR terminology

Understanding that students are just beginning their journey, this tool allows students to see the bigger HR and career picture!


A Skill Builder Student Looks like...

"The teen years are challenging for teen and parent alike. Elisabeth's Student Skill-Builder Guide and assessments gave my son a new sense of who he was from the HR angle. He is SOO much more equipped and confident in his next steps along his young journey. Thank you, Thank you! "

- Janice (Mom)

A Skill Builder Student Looks like...

“The student self-awareness and career development resources are AMAZING! My daughter was able to zero in on who she was and practice her networking and interviewing for success!”

- Lauren (Mom)

A Skill-builder Student looks like...

"My son was able to cut out the clutter of the things he didn't enjoy and hone in the the talents he does have with the help of Elisabeth's self-awareness and skills assessments! Its great to see him have confidence in his abilities knowing they are useful real-world skills."

- Matt (Dad)

Get the guide Here!

The Student Skill-Builder Guide

Move to the head of your class, stand out amongst your peers, and be ready to land your dream job!


How does your product work?

Digital worksheets dropped straight to your inbox. You and your student can explore who they are from the eyes of an HR angle. This helps students see the bigger picture about WHO THEY ARE and why they matter!

Easy to Use:

Each section is easily completed and great for continuing conversations on how skills work in career development.

What topics are covered?

The Confused to Confident Student Guide covers: Skills Assessments, Personality Exploration, Personal Branding and core values, Networking and Interviewing Success

Who is this for?

The Confused to Confident Guide is for high school and college students struggling to pull who they are from their wealth of skills and abilities. Our techniques and prompts help students navigate best interviewing and networking practices so that they are confident in who they are and how they fit in with next steps in careers.

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Jump in your online community, equipping and empowering students with resources, guides and tips for parents and students.

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